What, what school was it you went to, Shamalha?
Er, it was Wyndcliffe Primary School, to begin with, Wyndcliffe Primary Junior School. And then secondary school was Small Heath Secondary School.
. It was such a mixed school, I had lots of different friends, lots of different religions and… going to school, when I was going to school, I, I knew, what religions and more about the religions of my friends than I think my kids do, even though we teach them.
Because my father, in, he was from Pakistan, he came from Pakistan when he was sixteen, he was highly educated in Pakistan. He came to college and university and that was his sole reason for being in England, was to study further, so he finished his college. Erm, he didn’t finish his university degree ‘cause he enjoyed the life and he was having too much fun so he did… but he was educated, he knew, er, he was aware of the world. But, what he missed out on, he made sure that he, he got his, children, into education. Erm, it was very important for us to finish our education.