So when they built the, the, the first Swan Shopping Centre…
… what was that like and how did you feel, about, ‘bout it?
It was nice to, because we didn’t have many supermarkets. And there was the supermarket, I’m sure it was Key Market. I’m not, I’m not quite sure but I think it was Key Market, which was a big supermarket, that was big and that sold everything, that sold, plates and, dishes and saucepans and cups and, and food, and frozen food [draws breath], which we never had frozen food, everything was fresh. So when they built the supermarket it was … it wasn’t that we used to have a lot of frozen food because, mum used to always cook her own chips, we used to have fresh vi, er vegetables.
then the supermarket closed down, I don’t know if they erm, went out of business, but then it became, the market then, which had a lot of stalls. In the
market, there was, a butcher’s and, erm shoe repairs and clothes and shoes. That was a ni, that was a nice market but then when they knew that, they were going to sell it to Tesco’s, that went into decline and it was a shame that was.